Sunday, July 25, 2010

Are We Really Stronger Than Before?

Another year has passed, another dissolution of the Board of Directors, and another installation and induction of Board of Directors and members respectively - it has become so frequent that these words are being drummed into our ears. True enough, new faces are up except for some positions in the Lions Cabinet and the one-year-old District Leo Cabinet. There should be a certain level of creativity and innovation in the eyes of expectation from various quarters. And with the theme - Stronger than before by District Chairperson for Leo Club, Lion Alan Thoo (assuming the officer for another fiscal year), there are certain matters that need to be addressed before it can really be realized.

In the midst of Lion Alan Thoo's explanation, he asked "what do you all understand about the theme?" There were various answers shouted out and one that caught his attention was "to learn from past mistakes" by the Immediate Past President of Leo Club of Penang (City), Leo Saw Zhang Hao. No doubt, this fiscal year would be the second chance for him to prove that he is a District Chairperson for all, not only for his cronies or certain clubs in his hometown, Perak.

Yes, to answer to his call to eradicate the past mistakes and not to repeat them, I think it is appropriate for him to address to the following matters or problems, viz:

1. To be fair and just to all, regardless of Leos from which region.
There have been rising and growing discontent and unrest among the alpha Leos without his knowledge. Reason is simple and pellucid, he is acting as a District Chairperson for his cronies hailed from Ipoh and selected clubs based in Ipoh like Leo Club of Anderson High School, Leo Club of Sam Tet High School and so on. For example, in a joint project between a club from Region 1 and a club from Region 4, when there is blunder from the Region 4 club, do not exercise your more senior position to put the blame on the Region 1 club. When alpha Leos do not voice out, do not take it for granted that you have successfully distributed the pie in a fair manner! Do not practise double standards!

2. Be more transparent in recognizing the contribution of every single Leo during the annual Leo Forum.
Though there are guidelines set in the beginning of every fiscal year, but when it comes to recognition, they are not parallel. It is not that they put awards upon service, but they should get what they deserve as the dictum goes "we reap what we sow". Recognition should be merit based but not on the notion - owh, this club has gotten all the Tops last year and this year they would not be getting it no matter how committed they are.

3. Be more rational in post-mortem meetings
There have been many times where he 'reprimanded' Leos for the so-called reasons of not adhering to his 'instructions'. The Leo programme is designed as a platform for the youths to express their thoughts and creativity into actions by organizing a series of events and projects. Undeniably, sometimes they may have done things not up to his level of expectations, but do not forget that everyone is learning and gaining experience. Harsh words should not be shouted out from the vibrations of his vocal cords, not because that Leos are not courageous enough to face his words! Be more rational, just like he always sells the idea of thinking before making an action.

4. Respect the rights of an Organizing Chairperson of a project.
Count yourself, the number of times where he assumes the position of chief advisor but yet acting on behalf of the organizing chairperson. For instance, he was smart enough to embed the clause in the rules and regulations of the Leo Idol Project in Penang where he holds the absolute power for final decision making. This defeats the purpose of having an Organizing Chairperson with vested power by convention to make decision based on the 'bloc voting' of the organizing committee.

5. Be able to take criticisms positively, may it be from an alpha Leo or omega Leo.
He has been sending wrong signals to the Leo arena where Leos are taught to fight back aggressively (more commonly known as Tiao by him) when you are being given constructive criticisms. Just look at the Leo Forum held in Ipoh recently, Leos from other Districts filed some complaints and look at how the Leos from District 308 B2 responded? He is acting like a dictator when only he can say No, and you must say Yes.

If he is able to make amendments to the various calls above, especially the fifth one, the theme Stronger than before will not take a long time to be a success, or even a fiscal year to be remembered by the Lions and Leo Clubs from all over the map.


Camen said...

i absolutely support with your views and you have my undivided support. keep fighting!

Jaish N said...

Totally agree 100%
there is no doubt about it there!
Something has gotta change in order for LEO to keep on evolving!